
Tegucigalpa, Honduras is one of the most temperate and pleasant capitals in Central America.

Founded by Sanish colonists in 1578 on the site of an existing native settlement, Tegucigalpa has been the permanent capital of Honduras since 1880, before which the seat of government had alternated between Tegucigalpa and Comayagua for several decades.

The name Tegucigalpa means "silver hill" in a native language and the area was a center for silver mining under the Spanish Empire.

The best beaches and legendary diving sites may be in located in northern Honduras, Roatan Island, and the other Bay Islands, but a Honduras Tegucigalpa vacation is also worth considering.

Tegucigalpa Honduras (known to locals as Tegus, or simply la capital) is a thriving cultural center, with good museums, restaurants, and shopping opportunities.

Several good museums in Tegucigalpa cover the history of the Honduras. The Museo National de Historia y Antrhropologia Villa Roy traces Honduras's past from independence to the present, with interesting sections on the banana and mining industries.

The newer Museo para la Identidad Nacional covers the entire history of the region, from pre-Colombian times. Art lover on a Honduras Tegucigalpa vacation should head to the Galeria Nacional de Arte; the section of native pictographs is especially delightful.

The best attractions n Tegucigalpa Honduras are the city's many churches. The large 18th-century cathedral of St. Michael Archangel on the pretty Plaza Morazan anchors downtown Tegus.

A few blocks to the east sits Tegucigalpa's oldest church, San Francisco, which dates from the 1590s. Iglesia Los Dolores, La Merced, and El Calvario, are also worth a peak.


A visit to one of the large parks overlooking the city is a must on any Honduras Tegucigalpa vacation. Buses and taxis leave from the downtown area to the beautiful Parque Nacional Unidas El Picacho, laid out to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the United Nations, and the quieter Parque La Leona.

Many visitors begin their vacation to Honduras with a Tegucigalpa flight. The cities airport, Toncontin International Airport, is the country's second largest. Americans can take a Tegucigalpa flight from several major cities, including Houston and Atlanta.

Once your Tegucigalpa flight lands, you will want to find a good hotel in the city. The best hotels are in the downtown area, near most of the attractions, or the safer Colonia Palmira area. Recommended places include the Hotel Boston and the Hotel Portal del Angel.

Cheaper establishments can be found in the Comayaguela neighborhoods, across the river from downtown Tegucigalpa, a less safe area of the city, or near the airport, about 7 miles from downtown.

Tegucigalpa Honduras is notoriously crime-ridden. Visitors should take simple precautions with their valuables and take taxis at night, but are no more likely to see criminal activity here than in many major American cities.

With some common sense, a Honduras Tegucigalpa vacation can be a great way to start or end a trip to this genial Central American country.

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Miss Honduras

Es la capital de Honduras y sede del gobierno de la República, junto a Comayagüela. Ubicada en el centro del país, es la ciudad mas grande del pais y una de las más grandes de Centroamérica, siendo la segunda mas poblada del itsmo centroamericano (la primera es Guatemala).

La Ciudad de Tegucigalpa se encuentra en un altiplano, de unos 990 msnm, rodeada de colinas, entre las que se destaca, al norte, el cerro El Picacho (1240 msnm). Su Casa presidencial de Honduraspoblación es de 1.324.324 habitantes (estimación 2011).

El río Grande o Choluteca cruza la ciudad de norte a sur y la divide en dos zonas: la Tegucigalpa propiamente dicha, al este, y Comayagüela, ciudad que se fusionó con Tegucigalpa en 1898, al oeste.

Ambas forman el municipio del Distrito Central, sede constitucional del Gobierno de la República de Honduras y de la Arquidiócesis de Tegucigalpa.

Es el centro político y económico de Honduras. Las actividades económicas más importantes de la ciudad son el comercio, construcción, servicios, textil, el azúcar y el tabaco.

Fue fundada el 29 de septiembre de de 1578 y se convirtió en la capital del país el 30 de octubre de 1880 bajo el Gobierno del Presidente Marco Aurelio Soto.

Tegucigalpa es la ciudad más grande y poblada de Honduras, así como centro político y administrativo de la nación.

Tegucigalpa es sede de 23 embajadas y 1Tegucigalpa, Honduras, C.A.6 consulados extranjeros, además de ser la sede de varias entidades estatales como la ENEE y Hondutel, las compañías nacionales de energía y telecomunicaciones, respectivamente.

La ciudad es también el hogar a la universidad más importante del país, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, así como la selección nacional de fútbol.

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